Chromium Picolinate

Chromium picolinate is a necessary factor in carbohydrate and sugar metabolism. The trace mineral chromium plays a major role in the sensitivity of cells to insulin. Insulin helps cells absorb and use glucose effectively. Considerable evidence indicates that chromium functions as a co-factor in all insulin-regulating activities. Supplementing the diet with chromium has been shown to significantly improve insulin action; decrease fasting glucose and triglyceride levels; and increase the HDL-cholesterol level by enhancing insulin sensitivity.

Chromium is an essential mineral to health. It is found naturally in very small amounts in brewer's yeast, black pepper, liver and lobster. Chromium Picolinate is a highly bioactive form of Chromium developed and patented by the United States Department of Agriculture. Chromium Picolinate has been shown to cross biological membranes and to be assimilated by the body far more readily than other inorganic forms of Chromium.

Chromium is so critical to good health due to its role in supporting the insulin sensitivity of the body's tissues. Insulin is vital for the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. When Chromium levels drop, insulin resistance occurs and a wide range of negative health consequences are likely to ensue. Chromium Picolinate is a dietary supplement that may be helpful in suppressing appetites and cravings. Additionally, it has been shown to build muscle and trim fat simultaneously. If taken with exercise and as part of a calorie controlled diet, the results can be outstanding.

This popular nutritional supplement is a combination of the element chromium and picolinic acid. Chromium is a naturally-occurring mineral, trace amounts of which are found in everyday foods like meat, poultry, fish, and whole-grain breads. When foods are processed, they are stripped of natural chromium, making American diets generally very low in chromium; studies estimate an average daily chromium consumption of 33 mcg. In 1968, it was demonstrated that when animals do not receive adequate levels of chromium, insulin is not optimally effective, and damage to insulin-dependent systems can occur (Schroeder, 1968). This led the FDA to recommend a daily chromium intake of approximately 130 mcg, as infinitesimal amounts of chromium are needed to aid the transport of blood glucose across cell membranes. Combining chromium with picolinic acid simply aids in efficient chromium absorption, and it is this combined form that is popular on the diet market today.

Continue reading here: Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin

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